product design
piilo is a modern way of living. The object is designed for the interior as a private secret retreat.
It can be used at home, on the road or in the office. piilo is characterized by nomad culture and transfers it to modern living environments. piilo encourages personal spontaneity and flexibility.
It can be seen as furniture or as micro architecture. This variable space is on the diameter 220 cm and has a height of 110 cm - enough space to relax. You can transform piilo to a size of 105 x 40 cm and store it in a bag for this purpose. A size which is not bigger then a carpetbag.
A construction of carbon fibre rods (CFK) and a covering of elastic textile fabric guarantees the static stability. Proven connections like zippers and tube connectors are responsible for this simple procedure. Thus the install and remove is blindingly easy.
Photos: Fotostudio Tölle